Jaudat & Ibrahim - Unionville

I used to have a strict rule to never work with friends or family, I respected that rule and I still do. But, I happen to have some of the most supportive friends in the world. I also realized who I am as a photographer; I love making friends with my clients, I love knowing them before capturing them. I know it’s a line everyone uses, but how can you capture someone’s essence without knowing who they are? Quickly, my favorite thing to do now is documenting my friends. It feels like the biggest honour because they respect my work and my business and we have the BEST time.

This day is amazing, because its an awesome memory of mine now. We walked around, laughed lots, then I put my camera down and had a great meal with these two and great conversation. I love them because they don’t take themselves too seriously, they poke fun at each other and laugh with each other and love each other deeply. I hope you enjoy these few snippets from that day.

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