Hello! I’m Aya :)


7 year old me used to treasure hunt for photos around my parents and grandparents house because it was the thing that connected me to them the most.

So much so, fast forward to now… my phone’s wallpaper is a picture of my grandparents on their wedding day. I have it there to remind me why I do what I do, I’ll probably find a way to show it to you when we meet for coffee… My grandma was a stunner.

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-11 at 3.19.12 PM.jpeg

I was born in Jordan in the city of Amman, a country that I deeply appreciate the history and culture of; it has made its way into the little knots that makeup the fabric of who I am.


I strongly believe that your history is a huge part of your identity. I also believe that it is up to you on how you choose to document it. That’s where I come in!

My goal is to document all of the real and in-between moments, the laughs, tears and all the love on your day so you can have them to show your generations, both before and after you.

I’d love to know about you! here’s A little more about me:

  • I believe small talk is a curse that has been placed on all humanity… I’m ALL about real conversations!

  • I belong to so many places and to no where all at once. Immigrating to Canada at a younger age placed me in two worlds. My heart only grew larger and craves to explore more.

  • Culture, traditions and history fascinate me! I’m guaranteed to be on a high when I get to document it.

  • I’m happiest when I’m on the road. My husband and I are always looking for the next epic road trip

  • I’m usually one of the first on the dance floor during weddings!

  • I believe that we have to create and manifest our own happiness.

  • I’m a huge advocate for owning to what you believe in. Hence why faith is an essential force in my life.

  • I find peace in silence and creativity in chaos.

  • My friends are an extension to my family. I can’t survive this world without them

  • A few people in my life maaay have described me as a ‘Monica’ when it comes to my organization and cleanliness


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